
North Nevada News

Monday, March 31, 2025

Nevada U.S. Rep Mark Amodei: "Once again, if youre wondering what direction this country is headed under the present leadership,..."

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Mark Amodei tweeted the following:

"Once again, if youre wondering what direction this country is headed under the present leadership, heres another example:"
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Here are other recent tweets from Mark Amodei:

"I enjoyed speaking at the 26th Annual Lake Tahoe Summit and discussing ways we can continue to collaborate to protect and preserve Lake Tahoe, a national treasure, for future generations." on Aug. 17
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"Celebrating completion of Segment 1 of the Lemmon Drive project! I'm glad to have secured funding for Segment 2 in the latest Approps package & look forward to continuing work w/ @RTCWashoe, in coordination w/ @CityofReno & @washoecounty, to increase capacity & improve safety." on Aug. 5
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"In her powerful painting, "Nevadas Landscape," Abigail, NV-02's #CongressionalArtCompetition winner, captures the magic of daybreak in Nevada.
I applaud Abigails Nevada-inspired creation!
Full Announcement
amodei.house.gov/news-releases/" on Aug. 3
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